Apple V/S Samsung ; Which one is better ?

The Samsung vs Apple rivalry has been going for years and it may continue for years to come. This ongoing battle would only mean that both phones will continue to innovate to capture customers’ interest. Nobody can really tell which is the best. App compatibility and market impacts the development of mobile app. This also becomes a huge consideration for startup tech companies that develop mobile application products.

Smartphones have become a tremendous necessity for people around the world. In a report presented by Statista, there is an estimated number of 257.3 million smartphone users in the United States by 2018 with Samsung and Apple leading the market .The rivalry between the brands gone long years back and still goes on to this day .In this battle, Apple vs Samsung, which brand shall rightfully reign the smartphone industry?


Samsung is a South Korean company based in Samsung, Seoul. The company was founded on March 1, 1938. It is hailed as one of the world’s largest producers of electronic devices that popularized the Galaxy series of smartphones. But this big shot company started a long way from their business today. Believe it or not, Samsung started as a grocery trading store. They only entered the electronics and technology industry in the late 1970s. Their success in the field of technology started from creating black-and-white televisions then becoming a leader in information technology services.
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs revolutionized personal computers. Together, they founded one of the wealthiest company in the world, Apple Inc. Apple created innovative computers starting from Apple I personal computers until its greatest victory in 2007, the most popular smartphone of the current generation, the iPhone. Who knew that the company built in a garage would grow to be the first $1 Trillion company?

Apple vs Samsung
For three years, Apple’s iPhone dominated the smartphone scene since its market debut in 2007. Then came Android’s strong warrior to rival Apple’s regency. Samsung’s Galaxy Series was a game-changer that prompted the fierce Apple vs Samsung battle. Let’s see how the battle has fared after nearly a decade of smartphone rivalry.

Phone Size
Physical sizes of smartphones changed. Every release of Samsung and Apple devices vary in sizes to cater to consumers who want large, small, or medium-sized phones. Let’s take a look at the physical phone sizes of smartphones from Apple and Samsung
Galaxy S10 Series
iPhone X Series
Galaxy S10e
5.8-inch display, 2,280 x 1,080 resolution
iPhone XS
5.8-inch-display, 2436 x 1125 resolution
Galaxy S10
6.1 inch display, 3,040 x 1, 440 resolution
iPhone XR
6.1-inch display, 1792 x 828 resolution
Galaxy S10+
6.4-inch display, 3,040 1,440 resolution
iPhone XS Max
.5-inch display, 1125 x 2688 resolution

The numbers above show the difference between the two smartphones in size. For the display size, there seems to be no outright difference. The first two smartphones of both brands have the exact same size while iPhone XS Max and Galaxy S10+ made the 0.1-inch difference. The display resolution, however, makes the most difference. It seems that the Galaxy S10 series holds the upper hand of the resolution against the iPhone X series.
Home Screen Unlocking
Smartphone security has been evolving since its conception. Locking phones from unwanted intruders can be done by setting up a lock pin, fingerprint scan, and pattern locks. Smartphone consumers nowadays are in need of a home screen lock that is fast and reliable.

iPhone X revealed one of the most efficient home screen locks for smartphones, Face ID. With just a single glance, you can now unlock your phones. This is quite popular among smartphone users since there’s no need to punch in numbers or trace patterns which sometimes takes a couple of tries. All you need is to position your iPhone in front of you to scan your profile and use your phone to your heart’s content.

Samsung adopted the idea of using face recognition. Samsung’s Galaxy S10 series secures the device through lock type (pattern, PIN, and password) as well as the biometric type (fingerprint sensor and face recognition).

Storage size would depend on the user’s needs. If you need a phone which you can store high-resolution movies with, then consider buying a phone with more space. Both Samsung and Apple are good options with large storage sizes. Samsung, however, comes with a Micro SD expansion slot which increases your phone’s storage limit.

Mobile app development: Android (Samsung) vs iOS (Apple)
The rivalry between Apple vs Samsung does not cover the smartphone features alone. Their battle reaches even to their operating systems.

All smartphone users enjoy different mobile applications that enable them to communicate, learn, and keep entertained. Even though these applications are similar, mobile applications are developed differently. Why? Because they use a different operating system. Apple smartphones use iOS, a native operating system created solely for Apple hardware or devices. Samsung, on the other hand, uses the Android operating system, a widely used operating system by most smartphone manufacturers.
Time and Cost
There is no definite answer whether Android or iOS is faster or easier to develop. It always comes down to the complexity of the project. Though developing for Android takes more time due to multiple devices using Android OS, it doesn’t make a lot of difference for this article since we
are focusing on Samsung and Apple alone without considering other smartphone brands.

The total cost for developing depends on various factors as well, with project complexity counted as one of them. Another factor is the developer’s rate. It totally matters if you are hiring an outsource, nearshore, or offshore developer. If you are offshoring, the country of origin affects the cost as well.


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